Category Archives: Projects
26th January 2010 : Sports day organized on Republic Day
We organized an action-packed sports day for kids. It was an event to remember. We, at Tarang, believe that physical development is as important as mental development. If students are not physically fit, they cannot be mentally fit. Physical fitness along with mental fitness goes a long way in promoting overall growth and development.
We celebrated Sports Day on Republic Day. There were about 200 kids who showed active participation in the event. It was wonderful to see young kids participate in a wide range of sports games including Running Race, Sack Race, Lemon and Spoon Race, etc. Kids were divided into separate groups according to their age. The event was very well-organized and well-coordinated. The credit for the same goes to Siddhesh, Prashant -employees of Kush Infosystems Pvt Ltd contributed immensely to this function. The event wouldn’t have been a roaring success without their active support and help. They did everything from cleaning the ground to arranging the medals.
Winners of the Sports Day were acknowledged and appreciated. Medals were given to them to honor them and motivate them. What’s more, we also distributed Puma shoes, t-shirts, sandals and certificates to kids. It made them feel loved and important. The sports day brought out the best in them. It brought out their sporting spirit to the fore.
charm to the event. The atmosphere was joyous and infectious. The kids looked absolutely happy and gay.
Dance and music added to their joy and happiness. We arranged for a DJ so that the kids could dance to their heart’s content. Watching them dance was truly a sight to behold! They danced uninhibitedly – they danced away to glory! This was followed by cake-cutting and snacks. It was an affair to remember.
School Establishment
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